Had a challenging day dealing with other problems, but was able to get some info that may be helpful. A couple of things in here may be redundant to info posted by others - apology for that, but it shouldn't hurt.

Through the cooperation of some local officials, information here is responsive to those who have expressed concerns about Greg's second dog, and his rabbits. The dog was OK and has been relocated to a nearby shelter. If any among you would like to adopt the dog or know someone who would like to do so, one probably can manage a way to do that. (Looks like Ron has info on this). Gracie is still in the house - not sure what can be done there, but would like to follow up.

The rabbits are OK and have been given to a nearby agricultural family.

Apparently Greg had been deceased for some time. Any findings regarding time and cause will come only from the medical examiners report – this could take as much as two or three weeks. It appears that an official fiduciary will deal with all of Greg's personal property according to legal requirements.

As for supportive action with Greg's remains and any related events of respect, there may be opportunity for Campfire folks in this regard. Officials must first attempt to contact any identifiable relatives in the event that they wish to take care of such matters. If that effort does not result in success, it appears that his Campfire friends would be able to do this and officials are aware of this interest. Some mortuary fees probably would need to be paid, but that aspect is not yet well defined. If this opportunity develops, Kent, I and others will do our best for all who might wish to participate with such a remembrance activity.

Hoping this is helpful. Some details are not of interest to me, but will try to learn and pass along anything relevant and proper.

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron