Got this today via email gents:


My name is Greg. My wife, Cathy, and I were local friends of Greg Cameron. I helped Greg set up The Rusty Iron for, and met some of you at, the Campfire get together he hosted several years back.

I was not aware of Greg's passing until last Thursday night, when I received an email from a mutual friend asking if I knew what was going on. Having not seen the Campfire thread about Greg, Cathy and I went to his home yesterday AM to get some answers, hoping he would be in his shop sportin that wonderful chit eatin grin when he saw us. We ended up speaking with one of his neighbors that Greg had introduced me to early in our friendship. Unfortunately, he confirmed what y'all already knew.

I read the entire thread last night. The vast majority of Y'all are great folks.

Ed, Thanks for doing the bio about Greg; thoughtful and very well written. I'd like to add a couple of things:

I recall Greg, or maybe it was his mother, mentioning a sister? His neighbor said he thought she lived in Utah.

His mothers name was Virginia; a grand lady. Cathy enjoyed going to Greg's and visiting with her. Like her son, she was active and sharp as a tack; without the "outch"

Greg told me his legs got screwed up in a logging truck accident while he was in Alberta. As I recall, it had something to do with two trucks trying to occupy the same piece of real estate.

I met Greg 10 or 11 years back at the SVSR. He had just finished a rifle match and moseyed over to where we had just finished a IDPA-like shoot. After shootin the breeze for a spell, found we were both machinist. Greg invited me over to his place. "The Iron" So, after getting the grand tour, we're shootin the chit in his office, chasing some pretty fair whiskey with brews. All of the sudden, he jumps on my case. I don't recall the details but I was quite agitated. I'm headed out the door and he says where ya goin? I tell him I got 3 choices: leave, stay and get disrespected, or make a fence post outta him. He says at least stay to finish my brew. I made the right choice; been friends ever since. Spent a lot of time at his place the next 5-6 years and less often after that. No issues between us. Just other things needing attention.

Simple fact of the matter is, you couldn't be Greg's friend and be thin skinned.

Greg had asked me to look after Gracie, way back when? I know she didn't make it through this. I called the shelter where Nip is at, and found some good folks from Tucson have that covered. THANKS! If that doesn't pan out we got it.

Missing my fellow Border Rat.


If you want to post this please do so, but only share my contact info with those handling Greg's affairs and those that were at his Campfire get together.

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated." Thomas Paine