Originally Posted by JCMCUBIC
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Well, Ma used to say that if you cant say something nice, shut yer gawtdamn mouth.

Did not know the man, he probably yelled at me a few times during my short time here.....I just cant recall them.


I think it says a lot about a place, or a group of people, that would take the time to check in on an internet friend or acquaintance if they have not heard from him in a while.

Pretty comforting really.

I told me wife what she needs to do to keep getting my pension if I should die tomorrow.

1) Throw my body in pond

2) Logon to the 'Fire at least twice a week and post 'Blow me' in a few threads.

3) Repeat 2 for years and years.

Too good.... If she needs help moving the body tell her to send me a pm.

Will do, thanks! If you don't mind, could you check just once for a pulse before the plunge.

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"