Any time that there is an argument about homosexuality, and someone quotes Leviticus, as sure as the sun comes up every morning someone else will say that nowhere in the New Testament is homosexuality mentioned. The Bible consists of TWO parts.....the Old Testament, and the New Testament. I'm sure that everyone has their opinion on this, but I believe that in the OT we are being given the history of mankind, the laws that God expects us to live by, and being set up for the coming of Jesus Christ. The NT is about Jesus, his life and death, the promise fulfilled by God, and the works of those who followed Jesus. This is just my brief summary......but nowhere in the NT does Jesus, or anyone else for that matter, say that we are to forget about what was written in the OT, as those words no longer matter. Consequently, I think that the two go hand in hand, and one cannot stand alone without the other.

Now, even if I did not believe in what was written in the Bible, and believed that man was not created by a higher being, but came from a monkey, I still could not accept homosexuality or transgender.'s simple.....we all live by the laws of nature one way or another, and being the animals we are, we live under that set of rules. There are NO homosexual or transgender animals.......period. They don't exist, because they can't exist. In order to insure the survival of the species, there are males and there are females, and they MUST mate with a member f the opposite sex, not a member of the same sex, in order to reproduce.......a process that is so simple that anyone should be able to understand it.

I am sure that God loves everyone that He has created, the drunkards, the thieves, the harlots, and even the queers and the trannies......but He is also very specific about what He says about certain behavior. His word is the final word as to who gets into his kingdom, not some council of churches, and He has spoken about homosexuality and transgender people. Their behavior excludes them from His kingdom.