Originally Posted by deflave
Which Harley dealer told you they wouldn't service old bikes?

Read it here, read it elsewhere on the ‘net.

Heard it from a Harley-riding friend this past weekend.

I would be happy to hear it wasn’t always true.

I’m old enough to remember Shovelheads and the people that rode ‘em, right before the first Evo motors arrived. Sure they were maintenance-intensive, but they carried tool kits and spares. Decided on rebuild times by running a finger in the pipes to check the carbon.

I’ve always wanted a bike you could keep forever, back then Shovelheads were one of the ones that might.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744