Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
“Sigh”, I should move on to the obvious and state that in a compact sedan a “fender-bender”’ will in fact bend only fenders while the operator of said sedan incurs very little risk of either death or permanent debilitating injury, said injury in turn incurring ruinous medical costs while at the same time resulting in a reduced or absent personal income, possibly causing a financial and emotional catastrophe to d scene upon one’s wife (if still present) and children.


Phone a friend already.

You’re right, over the last forty years among motorcyclists known to me personally, all riding companions at some point. In separate incidents.......

One death.

One lost leg ( the guy continued to ride after that, the sidestand on a K bike automatically flips back up when you start to ride)....

One shattered leg (spiral fracture femur, compound fracture fibula, tibia)

One split pelvis. Bolted back together.

Permant brain damage (to the wife despite her helmet, tragically ending a marriage).

One foot ground down to the bone despite the boot (trapped under a sliding motorcycle),

Holy Crap! I’ve known a LOT more people just drove cars and truck during my life , thinking hard here on who got hurt.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744