Social ostracization is a moot point. We are already de facto ostracized. Try being a veteran, a cop, a gun owner, and a (wannabee) hunter* in California.

Even at work the B.S. continues. Just last week one of the rising stars labelled me as " the most likely to commit a mass shooting". His crowd playfully say "Lookout!" whenever I enter the station.

The kids at my daughter's school are are little versions of their parents. Snobs and a-holes. My eldest has been shunned since she told her classmates she was a Trump supporter because Daddy said that Hillary was a very bad person. I am even more proud of her since she stands up to the bullies, even to the point of defending the hapless teacher against the 5th Grade Lord of the Flies crowd. The Principal is nice but ineffective.

The mandatory homosexual education curriculum is already in effect. Most oldest barely processes it and quietly ignores it. The youngest is confused by it. She exclaimed, "My gender is I am a kid!",

I paid $3.37 a gallon for gas at the cheapest place in town. I commute 60 miles each way and cross two toll bridges at $6 each. I am living paycheck to paycheck now but if I can make to a lowe3r cost of living area I will be okay. The quality of a public education

is a major factor but he quality of the community is up there with it. I want to raise my daughters in America, not California.

* Though I am really not much of an accomplished hunter, a lot of guys come up to me when no one is around and ask if I can teach them about hunting. Some are dissuaded by the cost, as their wives rules the household income. Some good men put their families first. There is an underground of emasculated men who long to be free and in the woods.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe