Originally Posted by cumminscowboy

way way over played. I think kids these days going to school are looked down upon in my area if they go and wear their religion on their sleeves. Frankly I wish they would stand up for what they believe more. It seems uncool to act mormon at school these days. As for recruitment, that is over played too. I would simply say this. I believe living LDS and my beliefs help me be more free, I believe they preserve my freedom and agency. So if that is the case, if you yourself felt that way wouldn't you want others to know about it too? you would! So don't feel bad for a mormon telling you about their faith and asking you if you are interested. Think of it as hey this guy cares about me. kinda flies in the face of the comments suggesting isolation from non believers. Complain about isolation but then complain about being told of the gospel. I have to say which is it?

This isn't really the place but, respectfully, I am in your blind spot. You don't get me (and non-members like me) because you don't want to. I get it, you think you have something we would want, too, if we only KNEW! You see the good parts and, to you, they outweigh the bad.

Thing is, we know. We have looked at your beliefs, your religion, your church, and we do not believe what you believe. I've lived behind the Zion curtain for over 30 years. I know the tenets of the faith, including some I'm not supposed to know. A supremely kind member went so far as to find me the Book of Mormon in Dutch....... Yet, we do not believe the good outweighs the bad. As a free agent, I chose not to.

Yes, the things I described above DO happen. As a matter of fact, I have had to move exchange students out of homes because of religious pressure. No, YOU would not do that, but other members DO. I had to develop a "read them the riot act" speech before placing foreign students in mormon (and other deeply religious) homes, and then still watch them like a hawk. It was a constant battle, all was great until the student showed no interest in the faith, and then feelers got hurt and before you know it, the student was labeled "trouble" and couldn't do anything right.

Just remember. We know. We just don't believe there's more good than bad.

Sic Semper Tyrannis