suprised anyone is saying ogden. ogden isn't a place I would want to live. Its an old town without much going for it. Its also got tons of crime and gang bangers. The cheapest houses that are located in a major city are in ogden. That is for a reason. I am surprised anyone is saying move to kentucky. holy crap honestly if you like mountains, rivers, streams, public lands. hunting, etc. kentucky would be like being sentenced to outer darkness. But that is pretty much the same anywhere east of the rockies. the country all looks the same pretty much. Its mostly private too, know someone, pay someone, or buy the land is the motto.

I grew up in texas. the place has essentially no public lands, and as a result I would never ever move back because of it.

BTW I just dropped my kid tonight off at utah state in logan. I have to say the logan valley is pretty gorgeous.