My final observations for this thread:

No place is perfect. There will always be compromises and balances, like accepting larger city conveniences despite congestion and crime. The religion thing in this thread has been completely overblown. Can you find instances of ostracizing? Sure. But you'd have to look for them to find them. I've lived in the Deep South Bible Belt as well as Utah, and for my money, the South is MUCH worse as far as religious oversaturation.

If you move here from almost anywhere, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the cost of living, home prices, taxes, and (perhaps most important) the climate. And that does not even begin to address the incomparable scenery. You might be upset by our wacky liquor laws, the effect of Johnny Condoseed's efforts, or our winter air quality. But it's all worth it. If it isn't, you'd be perfectly free to move away.

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.