Educated me a smidge with his explanation that tier 1 manufacturers of alpha glass typically don’t provide 100% repair or replacement of a product outside their specified no-fault warranty time frame.

Doug’s explanation made sense based on the higher expense to manufacture an alpha product...

With this information, it may lend to looking for a product and manufacturer who’s products are made to withstand above normal use or as some would call, abuse that an optic may be subjected to. Thinking Nightforce, here.

Fragility isn’t anything I’m interested in after reading this thread. Unfortunately, I likely have a stable full of fragile optics owning Leica, Zeiss and Kowa for glassware.

Question to GregW:
What’s your feelings on build strength of the MeoStar bins? Glass I know is excellent. I’m asking for your impressions on ruggedness of the internals and housing protection.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”