I'm doing my part. The neighborhood dogs I speak of basically live among a rural ghetto, have no human interaction other than living under the houses of their home base. They get whatever food is thrown out and come to my place to eat calf excrement and afterbirth. I drove in one day recently just in time to save a 300 lb. heifer that had been cut out of the herd by no less than 5 big dogs. They had already pulled off the end of her tail and had run her through the open gate of the corral just as I drove up. I only got one pregnant female as they saw me and hightailed it for home. The neighbors understand that "Bobo" isn't coming home if I see him. They never mention a disappearance.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."