That is a GOOD pit bull story.

I personally hate them with a passion.

Years ago when we lived in Bozeman my wife called me crying and said she had been walking our little 15lb Maltese/Poodle(on a leash) when a young pit came running up and took a bite at our dogs neck. Wife reached down and scooped up our dog who had luckily only been nipped. In the process wife gets nipped.

I was out at the range and hauled ass back into town hoping to find the dog as I was raging pissed and had planned on shooting the cocksuucker on site. I knew the dog and the dumbass bitch that owned the dog. Of course the woman had taken her dog back inside so I had to call the cops.

Our dog only needed a couple stitches but I still get pissed thinking about that DUMB cuunt and her worthless dog.

Animal control took the dumb cuunts dog and did the rabies quarantine but it was negative so they gave her a warning. I've always wondered if it attacked again...

Makes me sick.

Last edited by SamOlson; 05/25/20.