How stupid to blame a global pandemic on one man. Good luck selling that. With today’s numbers they are close to a reported 28,000,000 cases worldwide with the death rate by % at about 3.20%. In the USA we have almost 6,400,000 (false positives included) cases reported and about 191,000 ( false deaths by COVID included) deceased giving 2.98%. 3% is a very consistent number for death rate ever since tracking started. The thing that hurts the USA numbers is the incompetence of Dem run states NY, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey. These 4 states enhance the nation death total by close to 50,000 deaths, thats about 25% of the nations deaths. While Florida and Texas had high case rates weeks back their deaths were in the 1.8% and 2% range, while NY and New Jersey were at 7.5% and 8%. In comparison, Florida has 4 to 5 times the cases that NJ has but about half the death. Bottom line the POTUS has been on top of this since it was unleashed. He has made incredible strides in medical supplies, treatments and vaccine generation. Little did he realize that Clinton, Bush and Obama/Biden sold our countries medical supply and pharmaceutical manufacturing down the river to the country of COVID 19 origin. Trump wanting to not panic the country in an interview is part and parcel to being a great leader all the while working to eradicate the virus. BTW Trump didn’t move fast enough according to Dems, but now has fast tracked vaccine and apparently he’s now too efficient for the left. What a joke Dems are. I’ve never seen a more dishonest party and media aligned against a President. He’s still standing and dishing it out, which make him extraordinary as others would have folded by now, which has been the Dem plan throughout the last 4 years. Pox on the Dem Party and the Media, they are truly the enemy of the U.S. citizens.