Originally Posted by JimFromTN
We don't need to come up with a plan because we already have one which Trump threw out before the pandemic which is why we are in the mess we are in today.

Originally Posted by bigsqueeze
Originally Posted by JimFromTN
Not really. If he had taken seriously from the get go. people on here would not still be calling it a hoax even after hearing him say on audio how bad it was. Look at the idiot that died because he took fish tank cleaner because Trump was touting hydroxycloroquine.

Originally Posted by bigsqueeze
From South JOKE..............."Tens and tens of thousands Americans could have lived now, had he warned the American people with the TRUTH on Feb 7, like he did to the writer."..........That is a LIE. An outright LIE!

.........Jim from TN...........You really enjoy soaking up the LIES from the hate Trump and corrupt media now don't ya? Yes UUUU DO!!.....Ya notice that Trump haters who always criticize, never come up with their own plan? NOT A WORD from "demented Joe" nor any other damned demCRAP on how they would have done anything different than Trump concerning the virus. In FACT, Joe has said and proposed the same things TRUMP HAS ALREADY DONE!...And let me remind JimFROMTN, that the majority of covid19 deaths in this country have come from where??? BLUE RUN STATES.... Trump never seriously touted drinking any cleaners or cleansers. As a matter of FACT, the chemicals within those cleaning agents are used to lightly spray INTO the lungs by doctors in order to decrease viral infections. So when Trump makes a JOKE, Trump hating MORONS like you do not have the capability to know any difference between a joke and being serious.

Any idiots who die because they drank something they were not supposed to,,ARE IDIOTS. NOT Trump's fault.

Where are the 22 million fatalities from Covid 19 smart guy?? Pun intended about you being smart.