I have a challenge for Northman, Gunphouc, Ginter (That includes rginther and RobertJordanFunk) and all the Lefties.

I will concede defeat IF you can tell us what your plan (or the Dem plan) was to STOP the transmission of the virus starting February 1.

Not slow the spread, not flatten the curve, but STOP the spread. Just like New Zealand did.

Any thing other than STOP the spread is irrelevant. Slowing the spread takes what is normally an 18 month event and makes it 36-48 month event in the absence of an effective vaccine that you can get to the public en masse.

Tell me how you could have STOPPED the spread cold and saved everybody. If your answer makes medical and scientific sense, I will not only concede your point but grateful to learn something new.

Now, no BS or pseudo science. Not SLOW the spread. How would you have STOPPED it?

Anything short of that, you are playing Monday Morning Quarterback. Flattening the curve is just spreading out the same number of cases over a longer time period. The virus is out there. It is looking for YOU! Tell me how you absolutely stop it.

Too much evidence that masks don't stop it. Can't stay at home forever.

Your challenge, boys. Are you up to it?

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo