Originally Posted by GunTruck50

The thing is people with preexisting conditions would never have gone to the hospital if they could

breath. They came to the hospital with there heart condition or diabetes or whatever, but what really made them go

was not being able to breath from COVID-19. It was the COVID-19 that either kill or they survived, COVID-19 was the root cause

of death. IF they did not have COVID-19 they either would not have gone to the hospital with there preexisting condition or they

would have gotten there preexisting condition taken care of or they died from it. But if they had COVID-19 and they died that was what

pushed them over the edge and was the root cause of death.

Any rebuttal against this scramble will be futile.

Epstein didn't kill himself.

"Play Cinnamon Girl you Sonuvabitch!"

Biden didn't win the election.