Originally Posted by BC30cal
T Inman;
Good morning my cyber friend, I hope the weather is behaving in your part of the world and all who matter in it are well.

It's funny you mention sneaking up on stuff using fog, as I've absolutely done that too, but in my case as well I knew the area well enough to do it.

When I did shoot one mulie buck in those conditions, the fog dropped down on me so badly that I ended up dragging the entire carcass out to below the fog level instead of back packing it as I was concerned I'd never find any parts left behind on the mountain... eek

I should clarify too that we'll sometimes sock in for days at a time here in the main Okanagan once the "rains of November" hit us and this was in the '80's so taking a GPS bearing on my phone app wasn't a thing we'd even dreamed would ever happen.

Funny in that I still use flagging tape - which I clean up on my last trip out - along with the phone GPS thingy when packing out game. I guess it's just an old guy thing not quite trusting the technology yet T?

Terrain and conditions can be variable for sure and I'm sure there's places which I've never hunted yet - sandy desert or Alaskan alders - which present their own unique set of problems for sure.

Personally I didn't prefer the blackberry tangles which the Blacktails seemed to ignore completely when chasing them on the Gulf Islands off of Vancouver Island and while I only did one hunt in it, I've got to say Devil's Club rates about at the top of plants I detest!!! laugh

Was talking to a geologist from northern BC and the Yukon the other night and he had some Devil's Club stories too as you can imagine.

Anyways sir mostly I just wanted to say good morning, hope you're well and wish you success on your remaining hunts.


Thanks Dwayne! It's always good to hear from you.
As far as flagging tape, I still use it too. I do often carry a GPS (not a phone app, as I haven't been able to figure out how to use those things yet) but only use it sparingly, such as when in unfamiliar terrain after dark and I am curious as to how I missed a road or specific ridge, etc. or to see how far I am from camp. When getting back to a downed animal for another trip if it is thick or for whatever reason I am unsure of the exact location, I always use flagging tape. I guess I am just old fashioned.

Devil's Club is appropriately named too. I won't argue with that. BTDT.
Have a great week!