As a 62 year old relatively new Yukon Mountain-hunter that started at 300 pounds 5 years ago and am now 70 pounds lighter I have some thoughts on the subject. It's not an either need to reduce body weight, increase strength and fitness and reduce your pack weight. It's all important. While I know really strong people that can carry a 9 pound rifle, a 7 pound spotter and tripod set up and a 7 pound tent I try for less as at 62 there is a limit to how strong I am going to be.

I think it's important to lighten up everything that you can up to the point of safety and efficiency. You can get too light. Having a bit of fat is ok at the beginning of the season as you'll burn away calories in the Mountains, however, too much extra fat weight on your body will hurt performance and risk injury. 10-20 pounds of fat can be carried pretty well (much better than the same weight in gear) and will be burnt off in a season of hike-hunting and pre- season scouting. It's important to be as strong and fit as possible. A super light tent will be fine in good conditions but when you live through a storm and have the pole whipping in your face and spindrift settling on your sleeping bag you will be wishing you had invested 2 more pounds in your tent. A 1 pound sleeping bag was great for my son until the temperature went down to -8C one August hunt and he couldn't sleep that night. He now carries a 2 pounder with an 8 OZ micro bivy.

This year I have been playing with a 4.9 pound rifle that comes in at 5.9 pounds scoped. I shoot my 6.9 pound rig quite a bit better. I have decided to take the extra pound. I also leave all the gadgets at home and have paired my gear to take only what I actually need. I got criticized over at Rockslide for telling back pack hunters to NOT take a chair, but the best way to lose weight off your pack is to replace low quality stuff with lighter high quality and leave ALL the GADGETS at home. If you are coming out heavy every pound counts! With a partner sharing critical equipment aiming for a pack weight before food and water of 21 or less pounds each is worth shooting for. With carrying optics and rifle you can only make this only with really light and high quality stuff.