Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
I wish the individuals involved well and hope they win. I think "intent" should be taken into account, they had no intention to trespass or hunt on private property (hence why G&F didn't cite)

But I can't fathom how BHA HQ doesn't get behind this and cough up some cash, even if a measly amount. They constantly point to their volunteers and state chapter's and all they do. Yet who is raking in the cash? Hint, it's not the volunteers or state chapter's doing the work.

That is the biggest issue most have with bha. The avg. Joe paying a membership fee is called upon to pay up to belong, volunteer their time, and then when a call to action appears is expected to foot the bill. All while the head HQ rakes in the cash and just donates to leftist PACs and campaigns.

It doesn't pass the common sense test.

Come on Tawney, step up and have corporate HQ support access to PUBLIC LAND