Originally Posted by Highfastflyer
You’d likely miss the forest for the trees. Look at the overall issue here. No group will ever satisfy all your desires. BHA isn’t asking you to join them or even contribute to them, only the legal defense fund. This is about helping some legitimate sportsmen in time of need and the potential of having County prosecutors never again prosecute a lowly corner hopping case. The 2004 Kearney case should be a big spotlight going off in the County prosecutors mind along with any governmental official. This surely won’t be the end but it could be the start of a great new future of over a million locked out acres just in Wyoming alone. Forget BHA, focus on what is being asked here. If your trying to support the ranchers and big money guys I suggest you go to the Big Boys forum and leave the minion work for us who really care and appreciate hunting on Public lands. Maybe your just jealous the BHA guys are successful when you were a known FAILURE, though not surprising.

go away useless anti hunting troll. No one one is buying your bra troll bullschit

are you still working on banning wolf and grizzly seasons punk?

Last edited by ribka; 12/10/21.