John alot of these attacks on you stem from the fact that instead of talking what you actually know, you try to infer with your name dropping etc that you are a peer to these top tier guys simply because you may be friends/associates etc with them. Basically a badass by association. Fact is that you met these guys by being in the industry as a rifle builder, not by being a member of the warfighter community.

My close friends include a retired SEAL as well as a SOTACC with the 5th SFG. Do I as a former 0311 E3 with a tour in the sandbox consider myself a peer to these guys as far as tactical knowledge, experience, or ability? Nope! To me our peer status ends at the point of being combat veterans. Do I think the fact that these guys actually want to be my friend and hang out with me somehow magically confers some badass status on me...Hell No!! My friends are my friends and I feel no need to use their accomplishments or status to prop me up.

Would I listen to your advice on Long Range Hunting? Absolutely, would be dumb not to as you actually are apparently quite competant at that.
Would I listen to your advice on combat tactics etc simply because you are friends with some operators....hell no!