Originally Posted by tomme boy
Too bad the police waited outside for over an hour. Put a mom in handcuffs because she was yelling at them to get off their ass and save the kids. They later uncuffed her and she seen they were not looking and ran into the school and got her 2 kids out. FTP!
This must be that Uvalde thing last year.

Good on the cop for finally going in when others were told not to.

My first responder training always told us here are the rules so to speak, but there may be a time when you do what you have to do and worry about the rest of it later.

Thats not taught. Thats in or not in each person.

Glad he went.

A shame the politics in play there cost so many lives.

I had a client on the boat this summer a bit after it happened. Wife taught there. He was simply amazed how long it took. And amazed at the utter total division in the town over how it was handled. I'd have never expected either in Uvalde. I'd have expected it to be over in minutes.

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....