Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Thanks for posting. I hadn't known anything about it. I've wondered what all the hullaballooo was about around here.
And that's just what it looks like; exaggerated, blown out of proportion, hullaballoo.

Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Just laughing at molehills turned into the Andes by a bunch of persnickity old ladies. Typical internet cesspool stuff

Personally I think JB is harmless, always campaigning for prom Queen or head cheerleader. Seeking maximum attention and drama.
Constant name/pic dropping, typical attention starved narcissist. Maybe just his way of promoting his custom rifle company.
BUT .......
As the owner of a custom rifle company that specializes in long range shooting, teaches same, while in an influenced state ( his admission), threatens a specific group of people that disagree with him. Posting it on an internet forum !!
Not to smart. Again, I don't put much stock in his posts, but I also wouldn't want to be endorsing him in a public forum.
Strange times, these.


What this world needs is a few more Rednecks.

The Dildō Of Consequence Rarely Arrives Lubed

Waterboarding isn't illegal if you use diesel