Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Understanding Jealousy Around Others’ Success

It’s possible that people around you are doing amazing things, and even if you are too, you might still feel that jealousy running through your veins.

“At times, we can experience this tendency to compare ourselves to others, which can result in a sense of ‘I’m not enough’,” explains Rachel O’Neill, Ph.D. “To some extent, that tendency to both self-compare, as well as to feel inadequate, is natural. It becomes complicated when individuals start to feel bad about feeling inadequate or jealous.”

People with low self esteem are more likely to take offense to others’ accomplishments. However, with practice, you can get better at comparing yourself to others less often and build higher confidence. Additionally, you can learn to better understand and recognize your emotions. Plus, you have to remember that it’s totally okay to feel!

“Instead of focusing on stopping the emotion, focus instead on identifying what you’re feeling and giving yourself some space to simply feel it. It’s okay to experience feelings of jealousy or inadequacy in the face of other’s success,”

Lastly, to the extent possible, try to limit your social media use, especially during times when you find yourself especially vulnerable to self-comparison.”
That’s pretty phugin funny,... show us on the doll where the cool folks hurt you...