Originally Posted by gunchamp
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by gunchamp
Riding a bike on a trail is one thing. Riding on a road and acting like you are a car is another. Fugg any biker who thinks thats ok
Fuque any pussy that doesn't have the emotional IQ to safely and courteously negotiate a bicyclist on the road.
Alot of bikers around here drive in the middle of the lane. Its absolutely ridiculous. Not much common courtesy with these f u c k s
As they should be. Riding against the shoulder is a damned good way to get plowed over.

A byciclist on the road, has the same rights and obligations as a motorist.

The car is obligated to make way for the bicycle.

There are asswholes where ever you go. Bullies in every walk of life and on every road. Many of those idiots think it is cool to terrorize cyclists. After all, it is not like the cyclist has a chance of catching the motorist on the road.

I guess it is a real sign of masculinity to force a cyclist out into the ditch, "pour coal" into his face, or even actually strike the cyclist with a vehicle, and then roar off into the distance with no worry of retribution.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.