Originally Posted by Barkoff
I think the point is that you SHOULD be required, same as others using the road. Cyclist demand road improvements, DMV fees pay for those improvements, why should motorcyclists have to pay DMV fees and bicyclists don’t? There is much more money spent on accommodating bicyclists than motorcyclists, no?
But could be this is just a west coast thing.

Pedestrians don't pay any special road use tax and don't have to put license plates on their back. I get held up more by pedestrians than I do bicyclists.

Road and bike lane building and maintenance funding comes from a variety of sources. DMV fees and gas tax comes nowhere close to covering the cost of roads and bicycle infrastructure. Much of the money comes from the general fund (property taxes, sales taxes etc.)

Why should MOTORcyclists have to pay DMV fees, but not bicyclists? What does the M in DMV stand for?