Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by gunchamp
Riding a bike on a trail is one thing. Riding on a road and acting like you are a car is another. Fugg any biker who thinks thats ok
Fuque any pussy that doesn't have the emotional IQ to safely and courteously negotiate a law abiding bicyclist on the road.

Pay for a license plate and accept a citation for impeding traffic then !

I can’t drive my fugging golf cart on the road

Why would I pay for a license plate? They aren't required or available. Are you advocating for more government and more tax?

I think the point is that you SHOULD be required, same as others using the road. Cyclist demand road improvements, DMV fees pay for those improvements, why should motorcyclists have to pay DMV fees and bicyclists don’t? There is much more money spent on accommodating bicyclists than motorcyclists, no?
But could be this is just a west coast thing.