My .00001 cents worth, and think this would come under the category: Impressions Writers Can Leave With You - The first thing that usually comes to mind when I hear Seyfried's name, is the photo of him demostrating accurate field shooting positions. He is in picture with solid back-rest,leaning back, with big-bore revolver rested against knee Elmer Keith style, with the cylinder gap against his knee.

This was the time he was heavy into writing about the handgun big bores, LBT's, and the fire lapping thing.

Now I KNOW HE HAD TO KNOW BETTER THAN THAT. This is not meant as a criticism, to condemn Seyfried, or the like. I figure it was probably a publishing, editorial, photo, or even writer accident or screw-up due to time constraints or just plain accidental mistake. Never bothered to do the letter to the editor thing or such like, think there is a little too much of that these days. And, it would be funny to me if it wasn't for the fact that I can also picture some beginner or newbie trying that "method" as pictured.

I found his writing very enjoyable, interesting, well done, and really like the variety he seemed to come up with on the same subjects or genre. I am sure some of his stuff will come to be considered classic someday. I think the humor thing to me of the aforementioned picture is "the King appears in public, and his pants fall down". Not laughing at the man, but at the situation. Guess those gunwriters are human after all!