I'm sorry guys, winter just doesn't want to give up it's grip on us. We have been dealing with terrible mud problems at home (driveway) due to frost coming out so late (ground frost) and a wet spring. I've been on my tractor most nights trying to shape up our driveway so that we don't need 4 wheel drive to get out to the paved county road.

We are supposed to be getting 4 loads of gravel delivered this week which I will have to spread and shape correctly with the tractor so it sheds off the water like it should.

We also have a graduation to go to this weekend (so proud of her) my neice (I call her my neice but she's actually my cousin's daughter) is graduating.

Next week, next week I should be able to get back after it. And there is a slim possibility I will be able to work on the car some tonight.

Something clever here.