JJ Hack A Sack, now who is Bull Chiting who?

You can post until the sun goes down JJ, you got your A$$ put in a bottle and it hurts doesn't it boy.

Now as far as the little man from the middle east goes, I like many in the passed will not tolerate his JOKES and I sure as hell never laughed at any of them. Willem Venter sent me a letter shortly after telling me how several were jealous of my shooting and getting close to the camel jocky.

Yeah, I do NOT stand by someone who broke their word to me understand JJ HACK AND IF YOU WANT A PIECE OF MY A$$ JUST SAY SO mr ph, who doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, do you JJ. I do not associate with people regardless who stand by and tell me they support a frigging person who is a damn terrorists period. All of those middle east countries have been putting the shaft to the USA for years and turn right around and send terrorists to try and kill us and this Sand Jigger is no damn different.

Thank Our Veterans!
GOD Bless Them All