Hilarious..... Rick gets challenged about how much he shoots, so he throws up a few credentials.... and now he's conceded?

Burns throws up pictures of dead schitt, and offers some sage advice..... and all anybody wants to talk about is his Mike Shannahan tan.


I've shot with Rick..... the dude can shoot.... he won the SRM by a wide margin when I was there in May, in horrible conditions. We'll be hunting Aoudad in about 6-weeks down in TX.... I'll try to film him clobbering one at LR..... just for all you haters.

I've shot with Burns.... the dude can shoot, and is not nearly as tan in person. I have more respect for John and the advice he's given me over the past 10 years... than anyone who posts on this board.

Ya'll are fhugkin with the wrong guys if hitting schitt at LR is the discussion. Anyone who owns two course records at the SRM can run a rifle pretty f'n well., and hit small stuff at extended ranges. Burns has more LR kills on film than any 5 of the rest of you combined.... and has been doing that for 15 years.

I disagree with some of their optics and rifle choices.... but I certainly can't disagree with the LR shooting philosophies they adhere to. Credentials can excuse a great deal of hubris, and those two have credentials.

If you haven't shot with them.... then you don't have any clue who you're talking schitt about. As a wise OompAlasksn once said "take notes, and apply same".

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......