Most shooters ARE capable.... they just don't know it... and hamstring themselves from the start with poor choices in rifles/glass/bullets/etc. Everyone who can squeeze a trigger can easily make hits at 500.... provided they've done their homework, and have the 'proper' equipment.... isn't that what we're talking about?

Just today I watched my SIL go 3 for 3 on a 10" plate at 450.... then go three outta 4 at 675 on a 12"x18" plate...... she had never fired a high power rifle in her life, prior to her first round hit at 1/4 mile.

The question is: how far is 6x good to.... not how far can a 3 MOA red dot get you.

Set-up a rig correctly, put solid repeatable glass atop, select good projectiles.... then shoot a couple hundred of'em..... and schitt gets simple in a hurry... at least to 500.

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......