Well scatterguns properly fitted are, in the right hands, magical wands. Rifles and pistols are tools, although some are very good tools, even artistic masterpieces.

I will leave it at that.


PS: I lied. I have to tell a story. When I was in high school there was a camping trip involving 6 young seniors, one convertible and 4 shotguns. One of the shotguns was a 12 bore Mossberg pump with a Poly-choke. The owner was a bit of a wild hare and I'm being kind.

At the end of the camp out and most things loaded in the car (top down), the Mossberg Kid decided to shoot a leftover jumbo sized can of pork'n beans. So he balanced it on the end of the Poly-choke and held the whole mess up over his head. Several things happened when he pulled the trigger. From all appearances, the Poly-choke went into low earth orbit, never to be seen again. The can vanished also. Everyone within 50' was covered with pork'n beans as was the red convertible. It really wasn't beans at that point, it was more like a brownish gruel. Save for the color being a little off it could have been a scene from a Sam Peckinpah movie.

Everyone had the most shocked expressions save for myself, particularly the Mossberg Kid. I was rollin' around in the dirt laffin'........my........ass..........off.

I don't think you can do that with a rifle, the barrels are generally too small in diameter to balance a can of beans.

You had to be there. Shotguns are magic.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain