
Bless your clueless heart,that is some seriously [bleep] funny schit!

You rocked 3 of the 4 mounting fasteners,then went adjustable rears,holding a Nikon Joke and melded it all together by denoting you are too [bleep] stupid to savvy SFP subtension,to literally connect the dots with your dog schit fodder. [bleep] AWESOME!

Now you will want to write this down and [bleep] thank me later. Yes...that's a [bleep] hint. Hint. Laffin'!

Factor subtension at 100yds on high power(though the projected values are 2MOA,4.5MOA,7MOA and 11MOA)chronograph your Ping Pong Balls and then you'll have your Dumbfhuqqery pinpointed. Hint. Read that again. Now one more time. Laffin'!

Amazes me,how giddy you Clueless [bleep] get,handing some poor unsuspecting kid that much dog schit in a single [bleep] parcel. Though I reckon in fairness,it is a direct function of your "knowledge","experience" and "results". Congratulations?!? Laffin'!

Beat both ends of that piece of schit glass shut with a hammer,have the kid punch his pard in the face,throw the mounting system at a cat and never,ever,ever..."think" for yourself,when it comes to The Outdoors and/or it's wares,if only because it ain't ever gonna be a purty picture.

Thank me later.


Just sayin'.


Wowwwwwwww +P+.