
You dumb [bleep] crack me up,with the "lotsa"ammo stuff! For starters,lotsa schit...is still schit. Hint.

How many boxes of ammo has the kid whistled through said rifle,since 2011? Thought so. Laffin'!

It will never not cease to amaze me,how Stupid [bleep] are in sucha hurry,to make BAD Decisions. Though it's always "justified",because that very same dumb [bleep],got a good "deal" on the piece of [bleep] schit. Laffin'!

Keep doing your "best",if only because it is funnier than [bleep].

Bless your heart.


Weren't long ago,you fancied yourself a Whining "Moderator" and that didn't gain much traction. Though you were doing a great job of extolling your homoerotic Fantasies,amazingly long list of WELL founded insecurities and your incredibly thin bark was buckled on the spot and then you fell apart in a righteous Hissy Fit. Laffin'!! You rugged "hard chargers" are a [bleep] hoot! Re-laffin'!

You may as well jump-start Imaginary Pretend Ignore,as it is befitting of THE most Clueless of Kchunts,who also happen to be a lying [bleep]. Do not forget,you've Pretended this ruse numerous times,with your Imagination. Congratulations?!? Laffin'!

Remember,you can't "legally" read this,though you are in fact reading it now. Cheer up,if only because birds of a clueless feather,flock together and WhoreHey is reading it too. Laffin'!

Tough to trump the humor of a Paper Hat Brigade "stand" and I'll feign my "surprise",that Imaginary Pretend Ignore is always enacted with much fanfare,after some Stupid [bleep] has had their ass handed to 'em,for saying STUPID [bleep] schit. A Moderator may very well benefit you,as it wouldn't hurt to have someone proofread your Estrogen fueled Vagina Monologues,slap the dick out of your mouth,then punch you in the ear so as to pinpoint your focus,so you could take notes and apply same.

Ever notice how amazingly worthless of a Whining [bleep] you are,when you gotta try and do for yourself?!?

Funny...ain't it?!?


Good talk and Happy Imagination and Pretend to you.

Wow +P+!


You are The Rock Of Gibraltar. I'm crying I'm laughing soooooooooo [bleep] hard! Wow!

Kudos for extolling a hipshot from a year ago,as sweet "vindication" of your INCREDIBLE [bleep] STUPIDITY. Now that is some seriously [bleep] funny schit and ONLY because you are doing your "best".

Hey if you play your cards right,you and '92f can go "halfsies" on a box of ammo,every 10yrs or so and really have something to "brag" about. Laffin'!

Points awarded for slipping the kid ALL the schit wares and "justifying" that as being "very important" "heartfelt" gifts. The Imaginary Pretend Ignore Gang,sure is adept at cutting corners and Polishing Turds,then handing them Goat [bleep] to the kids. You Snake Oil Clueless [bleep] are a gawdammned riot!

Do not let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt,if only because we both KNOW you are reading this...so I'm rather at ease letting you again condone more of your lies,if only to Show Case your "knowledge","experience" and "results". Laffin'!

Good talk.


Mebbe mention a few 1000 more times how little "you care",as you brazenly "brandish" your Imaginary Pretend Ignore and tirelessly schlep STUPIDITY,to places it's never been before.

I mean...it's not like you wasn't gonna.



Whattya' like to dangle 75% base fasteners,windage adjustable rears and SFP subtension reticles without turrets upon? Favorite Factory Load? How many boxes of ammo through it,in a GOOD Decade?!?



VG's soundly kick the [bleep] out MKV's,but the parcel is only as "good" as it's weakest link and you'd best be wearing rubber gloves,if you were to touch that piece of schit.

Funny how it actually works.

And I mean [bleep] FUNNY!



I'm gonna haveta feign my "surprise" that 'nm didn't go FULL [bleep] Retard and "try",by doing her "best" and muse chamberings/twist/COAL and boolits a smidge. Laffin'!

Though in fairness...do not go slightin' how "real" Imagination and Pretend is,to these Drooling Dumbfhuqqs.


They are settin' new "trends",by Turd Polishing for the kids,making CERTAIN the platform gets used little and frosting it nicely,by shooting the schittiest ammo they can arrange,as an automatic indoctrination into The Paper Hat Brigade.

Hand a kid a Montana 223 wearing good glass and he'd rattle more ammo through it,with a MUCH higher connect percentage in a single afternoon,as all of these Turd Polishing Goat [bleep] bolted together have,over the YEARS.

It'd be THE fast track to understanding POA/POI intersections,wind dope and all the fundamentals that by literal default,bear LOTSA fruit...if only because they's fueled with fun. There ain't a kid in the World,who's gonna say: "hand me The Bargain Basement Goat [bleep] '06 you stuck me with,because schit glass and schit ammo ROCK and really "help" me "learn" ".

Just sayin'.


As per always,the inherent oblivious humor of The Paper Hat Brigade doing their "best" to "justify" their "experience","knowledge" and "results",never ain't not an absolute [bleep] riot!

Frost that with Imaginary Pretend Ignore and youv'e always got the makin's for THE Best Thread EVAH.


(Addendum: For the first Drooling Dumbfhuqq)


You are at the mercies of your "means","abilities" and "comprehension"...which if only obviously,is THE most slippery of slopes.

Might I recommend a Hurt Feelers Report,some Imaginary Pretend Ignore and that you keep using yourself as a barometer of "evaluation",if only to be afforded the Delusion that "nothing" is somehow "something",when factored behind your crossed-eyes. Laffin'!

I'll feign my "surprise",that you Mall Ninja Window Lickers is always fast with the estrogen,but give ALL things The Rifle an exceptionally wide [bleep] berth. Lemme help you out a smidge,by recommending 500cc's of Vagisil in your usual locations,along with (3) Midol. Then perhaps try prying your kchunt from the couch,if only for the first time in your "Life". Just sayin'.


Good talk Toots.



(Re-'dendum: yep...another Window Licker)


PLEASE find me "mistaken" and I will happily take the mere seconds requisite,to rub your nose even further in your AMAZING [bleep] Stupidity. Not that you don't do a great job,by simply doing your "best". Laffin'!

The Texas Version of EVERYTHING,is simply [bleep] hiarious.
