Originally Posted by Zerk
Originally Posted by Gtscotty
Originally Posted by Zerk
On the topic of, I did it, and I am fine, a recent study suggested the possibility of transfering CWD from deer to humans. If I lived in a CWD area, I would again read up. Sounded like the draw back of testing is waiting weeks for the result. There was talk about home testing. Granted companies selling testers, want you to test.

Got a link?

I assume you are referring to the initial results of the ongoing University of Calgary Macaque study?

Not everything is digested on the internet. I was listening on the radio. But you could google it, and decide for yourself.

My bad, I thought you might have some information on the subject of your post that you could share. I, of course, did Google it, and didn't find any new information or studies about transmission of CWD to Humans. What I did find was a brief blurb about The initial results of a study where researchers were able to transmit CWD to some macaques over the course of 3 years by feeding them infected meat, and injecting prions directly into their brains. That really sucks.... for any macaques routinely munching on CWD deer carcases or getting shot in the head with CWD infected bullets.

What it doesn't show is any probability of transmission to Humans. In fact, in the over 30 years since CWD was discovered, there has never been a single documented case of transmission to Humans, test mice modified to have a human version of the affected protein.... Or even cows for that matter, even though an experiment in Wyoming kept cows locked in pens with infected cervids for 13 years straight.

Every expert opinion that I can find on the subject suggests caution with tainted animals, but concedes that the chances humans can even contract it
Is vanishingly small, not to mention the tiny infection rates associated with even theoretically transmissible prion diseases... But hey, you heard a blurb on the radio, so that's something.

Last edited by Gtscotty; 08/22/17.