As mentioned, 70% of America's suicides are Caucasian males,....with the largest increase occurring in middle age.

It's not hard to understand. Working and middle class Americans have largely had the rug pulled out from under them. Caucasian males in America is the only group which isn't provided with a government funded safety net. A Caucasian male with a wife and 2 kids making $20 an hour is going to have a damn tough time paying $1200 a month for health insurance, $1000 a month for rent and $250 a month for a car that's reliable enough to carry him back and forth to work. That's before you figure in clothes, utilities, food, car insurance, and the typical costs associated with day to day living.

Bottom line,..the ends just don't meet for a lot of middle aged Caucasian men in America today. Some man gets laid off,..his car motor blows up, he's just fugged. There's a *lot* of people in America today living from paycheck to paycheck,..with nothing to fall back on. And the government isn't going to bail you out if you're a Caucasian male.

An illegal has more access to government social programs than a Caucasian male citizen.