Originally Posted by BangPop
I've seen a couple of examples recently where two individuals were declared great guys after they took their own lives. One was a early 30's fly fishing guide who left a 12 year old son behind to deal with the stigma of having his father do himself in with a pistol. Another was a mid 70's guy who left behind his wife of nearly 50 years. Everyone goes on and on about what great guys they were. Just splendid individuals. I have a different opinion of someone who would do that to a loved one or family member. Selfish chicken chits that didn't have the guts to deal with whatever was eating at them. They took the easy way out. Sad deal for those left behind.

The question I have for you is can you see the rational for someone with a painful debilitating disease ending his own life? Then, can you see how a persistent mental disease can be just as painful and debilitating as a physical disease? I'm sure you can see how a physical disease with no end, and little relief, could destroy someone's will to live. That and the fact that the person see's what his disease is doing to his loved ones.

The fact is that people make the choice they believe is best for them, and their loved ones. That choice is often influenced by the pain they are going through. Pointing out that with physical disease often they often receive understanding, support and love. That being from family, community and church. Yet with mental disease they receive rejection, belittlement, marginalization and despise from these same sources.

Last edited by Armednfree; 07/06/20.

The older I become the more I am convinced that the voice of honor in a man's heart is the voice of GOD.