Originally Posted by Remington6MM
That's fine and dandy that you pay your fuel taxes, but you bicycle freaks want more shoulder width to ride on or special bike paths and think the general public should pay for that too. Thing is, you want more, PAY more. Tax the bicycle.

What about those gosh darned pedestrians! Heck, tax them even more! What with wanting crosswalks, sidewalks, their own special time to cross the roads at intersection!

How about all you "them pesky bicyclists get all the goods for free" just stfu and realize that for better or worse, cyclists, pedestrians, electric scooter riders by law are entitled to some portion of public easements. It's just how it is. Get over it already. Don't like your locality spending money on separate bike paths for cyclists, I've got no problem with that. So why don't you get out and push against it? But for f--ks sake, don't blame some guy thousands of miles away that has nothing to do with it. Especially if that individual is dead set against it.

Ride unobtrusively, ride like every motorist is Mr. Magoo is my motto. All I hope for is that motorists don't behave like [bleep], just 'cuz I'm on a bike. Minding my own effing business... Ditto for cyclists when I'm in a car. Or did you not read my post about having to drive in SF?