Originally Posted by Steve
Originally Posted by Steve
Originally Posted by Scott_Thornley
Originally Posted by Whelenman
If they want to be able to have a right to the road they should have to pay a road tax every year!

I'm a rider, and I do, every time I fuel up. To the tune of about 1500 gallons a year. I'm certainly not the only cyclist in this situation.

Furthermore, being as I'm in CA, I probably pay a metric s--t ton more road taxes than you do annually. So as you're not carrying your weight, how about you get off my road?

So by that logic, because we have a car that we pay fuel taxes on, I should be able to buy untaxed diesel for my truck and drive it on the roads.

Try again...

Everyone over 16 yo should be licensed to ride a bike on public roads and pay a regular registration fee to pay for all the infrastructure they demand.

Yous sound suspiciously like a big government liberal. I don't demand any infrastructure. I am perfectly happy riding on the roads my taxes built.