Originally Posted by shrapnel
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard

What entitles me to use roadways designed for multimodal transportation? My tax dollars and the law. Do you have any other questions for which the answer should be painfully obvious?

What is painfully obvious is that your mother dropped you more than once when she was changing your diaper.

Your zeal to defy death and ire of motorists on the road, define you and your stupidity of what you want to consider yours. Show me and everyone here where this highway was designed for people like you to ride your bicycle...

[Linked Image]

Any driver who has an issue with navigating that traffic situation should have their license revoked. Bright yellow and visible for probably a mile away. One oncoming vehicle. Plan ahead. Slow for a brief moment to allow the oncoming vehicle to clear. Then apply gentle pressure to the steering wheel and accelerator (if you can't figure out how to do both at the same time, just do one and then the other) pass at a safe distance, then move back into your lane.

I cannot think of a fully emotionally and intellectually developed man who would take issue with that cyclist as pictured. What a petty life one must live to get worked up over that. Seriously, grow the f#^k up.