
The ONLY thing you can "hit" is your Retardation,Cluelessness and what a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit you are. In no particular order. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Ooopsie! The "heralded" Imaginary Pretend Ignore you "professed",is simply Magnificent in it's grandeur. Hint.

[Linked Image from imagizer.imageshack.com]

Here's to how "real" your Imagination and Pretend are to you and just how badly you NEED it,to fuel your Homoerotic Fantasies...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart.




Pardon my horning you up firstly and secondly,them are Softwoods. Though I reckon,you use that line on all the boys...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!? LAUGHING!

When you are Great,being blasse' is easy. Here's to you 'getting" to read about it and feverishly follow EVERY word and splendid Pixel. hint.


[Linked Image from img.photobucket.com]

Bless your heart for trying.




Assuredly,nobody can out-hum you...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Perhaps for an encore,you'll solve the "mystery" of where you Flute got "los"t at Band Camp?!? Hint.

You Minimum Wage Marvels,are on fire and suck a mean ass,as you unveil your very WELL founded Insecurities. Hint.

Bless your heart for trying.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."