Originally Posted by Big Stick


Ain't it a fascinating constant,that as close as you can "get" to your "own" pictures,are swiping Emoji's...you "lucky" kchunt. No fhuqking wonder,why you MUST steal my Splendid Pixels. Hint. Congratulations?!? Laughing!

Congratulations on being such an OBEDIENT quivering little fingered typing BITCH! We've all got you dancing the obedient Stick Jig. No one could ever match your howl my friend! Keep on howling into the wind because we do CARE for you! Much love my sweet little BITCH!

DANCE........LMFAO 😁😁😁😁😁

Good bullets properly placed always work, but not everyone knows what good bullets are, or can reliably place them in the field