Originally Posted by Big Stick

Didja' fall and bump your pointy head again and re-forgot about your Imaginary Pretend Ignore? Hint. Congratulations?!? LAUGHING!

While I certainly didn't Invent the 257Wby,I sure as fhuqk Perfected it and you get to read about it...you "lucky" kchunt. How many times have you schit your pants today? Can you turn on the light switch by yourself yet? Didn't think so. Hint. LAUGHING!

I reckon it's plum handy for you to be a Clueless Fhuqk and a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit too? What were the "odds"? All you can "do" is feverishly devour my every word,gawk every Splendid Pixel and practice trying to "convince" yourself,that you "could too",as you "live" vicariously. Hint. LAUGHING!

Bless your Drooling Delusional Dumbfhuqktitude and the HILARITY of doing your best,you poor poor(literally) Retarded Fhuqktool.



Awwwwwwwwe! How sweet! Dip Schit can't figure out why all these people give zero schits about his vocabulary of 150 words that have been posted 48,015 times! It's almost beyond lauphable! Your insecurity is so predictable its sad.......ALMOST 😂😂😂😂😂

I look forward to your next good cry and we all are in awe at your oblivious stupidity!!! Congratulations and please do tell your BOSS we all asked for you to get a raise for trying SO hard you hard charger you. Stupidity in zero ways escapes your employee mentality does it??? 😂😂😂😂😂

Good bullets properly placed always work, but not everyone knows what good bullets are, or can reliably place them in the field