"Greatness" is a matter of definition, and some folks will define it in different ways then others.

If greatness is a function of a cartridge having the ability to preform the most missions well, I would say the 30-06 is the greatest cartridge ever made and is likely to stay that way.

Any other cartridge that would duplicate it's versatility would shoot a bullet of the same SDs and BCs, and the same weights from smallest to largest, at the same velocity, and cover the same ground, to do all the same things. And playing "new guy" and being equal to the "old guy" with a 114 year head start in the race gives ZERO chance of winning that race.

There are those that love to say the old 30-06 does nothing perfectly.

Well I would disagree, but lets say just for the sake of this argument they were right.

Ok.............show me a single shell out there that does it ALL better ------with the same or better bore life -------and the same or less recoil ---------in a the same weight or lighter weight rifle!

In other words a shell that does 30 things 85% well is greater (to my way of thinking) then a shell that does 3 things 100% perfectly well, but is lacking in bore life, user friendliness, or ease of carry, and has even sight disadvantages in the other 27 things.

Last edited by szihn; 02/18/20.