I've always been a fan of something different. I own a 30-06, and keep it because it was a gift. I've shot a couple or so, whitetail deer with the '06, and consider it to be a fine elk cartridge. That said, my little brother, who is sorta late to the game, as far as hunting and buying hunting rifles is concerned just bought himself a 30-06. He bought it because it was a favorite of our grandfather, who was a WWII veteran. I could not argue his choice. Factory ammo is lying everywhere. You could argue, that a person could buy 180 grain Federal Fusion, and kill everything on the NA continent. It isn't my choice, but the point has been made, many moons ago, "The 30-06 is never a bad choice."

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis