Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
It's cops like you who bring disgrace to the badge/LEO.

You're a sad, and mentally sick old man. I enjoy watching you, knowing you're just wasting away, and sitting in your chair with your Depends on, you troll.

Badges are not disgraced when I wear them, just the opposite.
And just so you know, not only has the Beav got you figured out, you're being surveilled by more than one agency as we interact on this forum.
You honestly don't believe the agencies don't monitor this and other "outdoor" fora, do you?

When they find out I'm real, they'll hate you for wasting their time, and prove once more you are a mentally sick person.

Tell them to come see me. I make a great pot of Cowboy Coffee.

Did you ever wonder why the Texes Rangers didn't come see me, when your dumbazz degenerate rockinbbar cyber-stalking partner threatened to have me swatted by the Texas Rangers? No, of course you didn't, because, again, you're TWO STOOPUD (tm).

You're a sad, and mentally sick old man, and your steady cyber-stalking trolling of me proves it.

Your LEO pals, if you have alerted them, are laughing their azzes off, while I hand your azz to you on a silver platter, you senile old man.

Last edited by ElkSlayer91; 03/30/20.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)