Originally Posted by shaman
One thing I think folks don't understand here is "Russian" and "Left-wing" are two different things.

Putin's regime is not Communist. It's . . . well, it's kind of what happens when you let the Mafia take over things. It's more like a large crime syndicate with Putin as the godfather. If anything it's hyper-Capitalistic. In that respect, both Putin and Trump share common goal; they're both anti-Socialist.

When you've got folks pushing a Socialist agenda, we're talking people like Soros. I have no doubt there are others, but Soros is the most noticeable. Soros' aims and Putin's aims are different. Both would like the US to fall into chaos, but they have opposite ideas on how it should be rebuilt.

I doubt Elkslayer91 is a Russian Bot. He's probably one of those paid influencers such as the type Bloomberg hired in the latter part of his campaign. Either that, or he's doing it for free, and he's just a left wing loon who thinks he's actually making headway with us.

Hey, Shaman, I'm posting this reply "straight" to you, that has been posted several times, which includes irrefutable facts, as to what has happened here. It includes two links, that takes you to straight to my postings, which proves "beyond a shadow of a doubt", I'm American. Those "in depth" posts I wrote pertaining to business, and the dire economic situation we are presently in, does not come from the hand of a troll, or commie bloomybug toadie. They came from a seasoned executive with decades of success in the business world.

Now, if you can't recognize what high level professional product looks like, or comprehend the written word at that level, then I can't help you. Do yourself a favor, before you start contributing to trashing my name along with the trolls here, and go see if you can educate yourself, to the fact I'm more American than these trolls here.

There is nobody on this site right now that has proven they can produce at that level, and in depth of knowledge that you will read:

Originally Posted by hatari
For distinguished heroism in the face of Trolls and bots, I hereby confer unto Beaver 10

The Order of Hatari

With all rights and privileges that pertain.

Defender of the Realm.
Knight of the Agave
Earl of Single Malt

Defender of the the Constitution.

Hear, hear!šŸ’ŖšŸ‘šŸ„ƒšŸ„ƒ

Originally Posted by hatari
ElkSlayer91, I believe I may have misjudged you.

You posted that in my $2 Trillion dollar thread, and went on to tell me you were a Dentist, your employees were at home with no salary, you were at home with no salary, not much money in the business account to last long. You then made two economic points, and then you asked to smoke a peace pipe and start anew.

You obviously had seen through my writings, covering the economic situation, Iā€™m not a troll, but a professional who knows business, which I damn well do.

You then deleted your above described posting.

I was busy covering several threads, and asking myself whether or not I should reply to someone, who heavily contributed to, and heavily participated in trolling and trashing me, and helped to create a rabid hate for me at this site.

You are one of the main three guilty parties that stirred this up on this site, and this very thread is a result of your actions taken over a year ago. You and ROCKINBBAR, teamed up to trash me here, along with SMOKEPOLE, who originally started it all and who happens to be a very mentally sick individual, who I have thoroughly enjoyed showing to be the fake he is. Ole Mr. GLOBAL WARMING BELIEVING COMMIE SMOKEPOLE, closet commie, aligned with the commies to take down the country, who just so happens to be right here in this very thread too, running his yap, professional cyber-stalker.

That is irrefutable being a simple search would prove all of it out.

This thread has your DNA at the foundation, before you even added to it with this posting. You should be mighty proud of yourself, a professional Dentist who trashed a person, who you knew absolutely nothing about, and simply went on otherā€™s speculation here that I was a troll, when all Iā€™ve ever done was defended myself when trolled here, and other times added value to this site, with professional level topics nobody could ever dispute with facts, but boy could they show how to troll, and you just showed it too.

I could show you multiple threads recently where I was giving sound financial advice, and these trolls come in and trash the thread, and canā€™t even provide any in depth sound discussion on the topic at hand. You, sir, are the architect of it. You, sir, helped build that foundation, and every low I.Q. troll here, has followed what you helped to start.

Hereā€™s the last example. Go start there, and read the last four pages after that post, and you will see the very same azzhats there attacking me, as are here in this thread and not adding anything of value. After you read that, come back and tell me again, how Iā€™m a troll, and how a troll has that level of breadth and knowledge. That type of depth only comes from decades of success and having the God given ability to have vision. You donā€™t ā€œlearnā€ vision. Only a few are lucky enough to get it through their DNA. And I guess the ones here who attack me, are just damn jealous I have that high of a level of business knowledge, and can put it down on paper at that level and itā€™s always been that way in the world, the middle class workers hate the C-Level executive types.


Maybe read the below post first. That one post is probably the best concentrated example, and single handedly busts these azzhat's balls with solid evidence of who trashed that thread. Like always, these trolls blame me with ZERO evidence, but oh how I love the door they leave wide open, so I can shove the evidence down their throats.


And youā€™ll notice ole Beaver10 steady posting away with his cute little video, and having zero in depth knowledge to offer. Go read my links in ā€œthatā€ post, and come and tell me Iā€™m a troll. Trolls, again, donā€™t have what those postings have, intellect, depth, knowledge, and visionary abilities.

So why in Godā€™s name, would I want to start anew with you, and help you save your business, which I could, when you have spit in my face, when all Iā€™ve ever wanted to do here, was to come here, read wonderful stories of my fellow Americanā€™s experiences in the outdoors, and help give advice to help in many areas I happen to be knowledgeable in, when I have been attacked from pretty much the beginning of my steady posting here?

Look at Calvin, here, he trashed me in a thread, and I even pointed out to him, a major flaw in his website, so he could repair it and not have it making him look bad, being first impressions are everything, and he did repair it. Of course that was after I hammered his azz, because he was trashing me, and I wanted to show what a nice Christian I was, even after he was trolling and trashing me. And now here this fool just lit in this thread, running his yap, again. Mr. Elder of his church, and school board trustee, according to his bio. I guess he still canā€™t handle the fact I outed him, stating most school board members are commie democrats. Guess that hit too close to home, and his actions before and after are proving out as such, because, a Christian wouldnā€™t act the way he is. That is standard Marketing 101 this day and age, tell everyone where you go to church, etc., list it in your advertising, so you can brainwash potential customers into believing you are a moral person and trustworthy. But ole Calvin, Mr. Church Elder, he's here to trash me some more, and will prove me right again, no doubt, right Calvy Poo?

Which leads us to the aspect of commies like to attack the Christians, and THAT is what I damn well know all this trolling of me is about, and that is why I thoroughly enjoy putting these azzhat atheist commies in their place. I can read them a mile away through their unique signatures they attempt to hide behind in their postings. Thereā€™s a certain signature under the surface you can detect, and they canā€™t hide. And when they attack, they 100% prove out what my gut instinct was telling me, because they debate like all commies online, and offer absolutely nothing in explicit detail, facts, or the ability to produce supporting documentation which validates their stance.

Seriously sir, please tell me why I should help you, and be sure and come back, and trash this CHRISTIAN, being youā€™ve already started up again. I hope you are enjoying this thread, because I am about to add a lot of excitement to it, I guarantee you that.

I AM waiting.

Last edited by ElkSlayer91; 03/30/20.

"He is far from Stupid"

ā€person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligenceā€

ā€“ DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)