One thing I think folks don't understand here is "Russian" and "Left-wing" are two different things.

Putin's regime is not Communist. It's . . . well, it's kind of what happens when you let the Mafia take over things. It's more like a large crime syndicate with Putin as the godfather. If anything it's hyper-Capitalistic. In that respect, both Putin and Trump share common goal; they're both anti-Socialist.

When you've got folks pushing a Socialist agenda, we're talking people like Soros. I have no doubt there are others, but Soros is the most noticeable. Soros' aims and Putin's aims are different. Both would like the US to fall into chaos, but they have opposite ideas on how it should be rebuilt.

I doubt Elkslayer91 is a Russian Bot. He's probably one of those paid influencers such as the type Bloomberg hired in the latter part of his campaign. Either that, or he's doing it for free, and he's just a left wing loon who thinks he's actually making headway with us.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer